Study Material

Study MaterialsDescription
Anatomy PhysiologyDiscusses the parts of the body and their functions. Starting from the structure of the body, the constituent components of cells, tissues, organs and organ systems. The discussion of body structure is grouped into six large groups: First, support and movement systems (skeleton, integument, regulatory, integration and control systems (nerves, brain, endocrine), transport and body fluid systems (heart, blood and immune system), energy production system, maintenance and changes in the environment (respiration, digestion, urine, acid base balance) and finally the development system (reproduction). All of this is discussed from a public health perspective and is linked to verses from the Koran in the health sector.
Health PsychologyThis course aims to equip students to study various basic psychological theories, behavioral theoretical models and research results in the field of psychology related to health problems. Discusses the concept of psychology as a science to examine individual behavior related to health and the relationship between psychology and public health, human psychological functions, lifestyle, stress and its relationship to health, adaptation to serious illness (coping ), patterns of health service use and compliance. Furthermore, through this lecture, students are expected to be able to emphasize the biopsychosocial model approach (social, emotional, behavioral, biological, social and spiritual) in understanding the factors that influence health, exploring problem topics and the application of health psychology in Indonesia in the context of health service institutions, communities and society. The level of student learning success is assessed by their level of mastery of the material as reflected in the assessment of learning outcomes, ability to apply knowledge, and their performance during the lecture process.
Socio Anthropology of HealthProvide knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts of anthropology, sociology, health anthropology, health sociology, the relationship between social facts and health and disease, western and non-western medical systems, culture and nutrition, culture and reproductive health as knowledge that underlies social and community perspectives in public health. The indicator of achievement in this course is understanding the basic theories and concepts in Health Anthropology and Health Sociology as basic knowledge of socio-cultural, community and behavioral perspectives in public health science.
Introduction to Public HealthThis course studies the definition of Health, public health, development of public health science, determinants of health, prevention efforts in realizing public health, interdisciplinary science that supports public health science, the national health system in realizing public health.
PancasilaPancasila Course ( Civic Education ) is one of the courses that all UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta students must take, which substantively covers the four basic national consensuses: Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika . Through a student-centered learning approach ( Student Centered Learning ). The learning process for this course is oriented as an effort to make Pancasila a source of values, character and inspiration for national and state life in Indonesia and as an effort to actualize Pancasila values in all aspects of national and state life.
Microbiology and ParasitologyThis course discusses types of bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites as well as the diseases they cause and are closely related to public health. Understand the prevention and control of diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites.
Basics of Health PromotionStudents have knowledge, understanding and skills about the basics of how health promotion and education is carried out in a planned manner to shape healthy behavior in society. The indicator of achievement in this course is knowing and understanding the basic concepts/theories about health behavior and health education and being able to implement them by making health promotion/education plans for the formation of healthy behavior and change in society/community.
Population BasicsThis course studies population theory, population structure, population dynamics, population growth and distribution, fertility, mortality, migration, demographic transition.
Basics of Reproductive HealthThis course studies reproductive health concepts and issues globally, the reasons for needing attention to reproductive health issues, topics and issues of concern in reproductive health throughout the life cycle such as maternal and newborn health, contraceptive methods, adolescent reproductive health, advanced reproductive health age , concepts of gender and sexuality, violence against women, sexual violence against children, abortion, sexually transmitted infections, HIV/AIDS, infertility and reproductive tract diseases, as well as the concept of reproductive health in Islam and Reproductive Health ( Kespro ) in disaster situations. After taking this course, students are expected to be able to explain the concept of reproductive health and analyze one of the production health problems in society.
BiochemistryIn this course, students study the structure and several selected biochemical reactions that take place in certain physiological functions to maintain certain homeostatic conditions, and the conditions or factors needed for these reactions to take place. Based on this understanding, students can explain how to prevent the emergence of pathological conditions because the body cannot return to its homeostatic condition for a long time. Apart from that, students study Islamic teachings which can motivate themselves to try to prevent the emergence of the pathological conditions discussed.
Civic Education
Descriptive and Inferential BiostatisticsIn this course students are expected to understand basic statistical concepts, probability concepts, sampling distribution, estimation, processing and analysis of statistical data descriptively and inferentially.
Basic EpidemiologyThis course is a mandatory course that provides the ability to master the meaning (definition), use, figures and development of epidemiology. In this course, students will identify and discuss knowledge about the concept and natural history of disease, actions to prevent and control health problems/diseases in society, measures of disease frequency, morbidity and mortality statistics, strategies for observing the development and spread of health problems, and study design. epidemiology to estimate and determine the determinants of health problems. Students are also trained in skills in screening for health problems/diseases. The assessment method used is assessment of learning outcomes in the form of UTS, UAS , process and product assessments which include: assessment of case study results, assessment of discussion activity processes, and assignments both group and independent.
General PathologyThis course discusses the basic concepts of pathology, the process of changes in the structure & function of human body tissues/organs and the body’s response to these changes. The discussion of pathology also emphasizes the concept of disease and its prevention. In this course, damage or abnormalities to body organs and their mechanisms are also discussed.
Health Policy AdministrationIn this course, students discuss knowledge about the concepts and basics of administration and policy and their application in the health sector. Apart from that, this lecture also discusses management, health systems and organizations and their application in the health system in Indonesia. The methods used in this lecture are lectures, discussions and presentations.
Islamic Studies IIThis course studies the definition of Health Jurisprudence, the concept of health according to the Messenger of Allah, the development of Islamic health science, medication that can break the fast, the law on medication that is haram, the law on family planning ( Family Shopping /KB) in Islam, vaccinations from the perspective of Islamic jurisprudence, food, drink and sports from an Islamic perspective, the relationship of prayer and dhikr to health, the world of health and problems of interaction between the opposite sex, the role of individuals, society and the state in health.
Legal and Health EthicsThis course studies the concepts and foundations of ethics in everyday life, ethics and health, health professional codes of ethics and health research ethics. Apart from that, it also discusses law and health law, health personnel law, hospital law, informed consent, malpractice law, as well as law related to public health issues.
Data Management and AnalysisThe Data Management and Analysis course provides teaching about data concepts and variables in research data, data management processes, data modification, data analysis methods and their interpretation. The indicator of achievement in this course is that students are able to process, analyze data and use statistical software and interpret it correctly.
Data Management and Analysis PracticumData analysis data management courses study basic data management techniques, data collection and processing techniques, data transformation and analysis as well as data presentation and interpretation.
Islam and ScienceThis course develops students’ insight into the study of science and Islamic knowledge through an integrative paradigm. Indicators of achievement in this course are that students are able to explain the framework of scientific thinking in the perspective of ontology, epistemology and axiology as well as the impact and implementation in the scientific field, are able to carry out scientific arguments on the presentation of data provided, demonstrating knowledge of the basics of Islamic science in relation to themes developed by each field of expertise and students are able to understand the model of integration of science, religion and Indonesianism in respective scientific fields.
Health PromotionThis course studies the history of the development of health promotions in Indonesia, knowledge about the role of health promotion in the SDGs, the global journey of health promotions from Ottawa to Shanghai, the competence of health promoters and health promotion in various settings.
Health EconomicsDiscusses economic and insurance principles as well as applications in the health sector both macro and micro, along with examples of their application in Indonesia.
Health CommunicationsThis course studies knowledge about general concepts of communication, communication ethics, health communication, communication in behavior change, application theory of health communication.
Epidemiology of Non-Communicable DiseasesThis course is a mandatory course that provides the ability to master the application of epidemiological principles in explaining non-communicable diseases. This course also discusses the distribution, risk factors and prevention strategies for non-communicable diseases. Assessment of learning outcomes in the form of UTS, UAS, process and product assessments which include: assessment of discussion activity processes and group assignments.
Epidemiology of Infectious DiseasesThis course studies the definition of Health, public health, the development of public health science, determinants of health, prevention efforts in realizing public health, interdisciplinary science that supports public health science, the national health system in realizing public health, the position of public health in realizing global health .
Community Development and OrganizingIn this course, students discuss the concept of community, local culture, community behavior, aspects of community potential, the concept of community organizing and development, the concept of Community Development and Organizing planning (PPM), various methods of implementing PPM and evaluating PPM implementation. Indicators of achievement in this course are being able to evaluate the implementation of PPM to intervene in health problems by government and non-government institutions/institutions and being able to design PPM programs to solve public health problems.
Basic Environmental HealthIn this course, students understand the theory of Environmental Health, the sciences related to it, environmental health paradigms and epidemiology, disease vectors and reservoirs, water, air, land and food, city sanitation, housing
Basic Science of Public NutritionThis course directs students to study quantity data, methods of assessment, biological processes that occur, the impact of community nutritional problems in various life cycles on health, biological and socio-economic factors related to them, diet for prevention, and public health programs to overcome them.
Research methodologyThis course studies the stages of conducting scientific research. Students are explained about the process of preparing research proposals, both quantitative and qualitative, based on systematic scientific research concepts. In addition, students prepare proposals by raising public health problems that have been studied and cited based on scientific references, develop a research conceptual framework, determine research design, data collection methods and appropriate data analysis.  
Public Health Surveillance PracticumThis course is a mandatory course that emphasizes theoretical understanding of public health surveillance. In this course, students will practice analyzing surveillance data, making surveillance proposals and making surveillance reports. The assessment method used is assessment of learning outcomes in the form of UTS, UAS, and Formative, namely process and product assessments which include: assessment of discussion activity processes, and assignments, both group and independent.
Public Health SurveillanceThis course is a mandatory course that emphasizes theoretical understanding of public health surveillance. In this course, students will identify and discuss the meaning (definition) of surveillance, objectives and uses of surveillance, data sources, implementation and mechanisms for implementing surveillance. The assessment method used is assessment of learning outcomes in the form of UTS, UAS, and Formative, namely process and product assessments which include: assessment of discussion activity processes, and assignments, both group and independent.
Health Service Planning & EvaluationThis course studies the stages of developing and creating programs in public health areas at primary health level. Students will learn POACE, namely planning, organization, action, control and evaluation. Students will understand the approach and important components of Planning and Evaluation of health service programs in the context of health. Students are able to plan, implement and evaluate health programs and understand how to create health programs that are acceptable to the community and can continue.
Leadership and Public Health Systems ThinkingThis course discusses the urgency, function and position of strategic leadership and systems thinking in the transition to decentralization and the era of globalization, especially in the health sector. The aim of this course is to introduce strategic leadership and systems thinking as a new approach in dealing with health problems. This course explains the need to change the leadership model from traditional leadership to strategic leadership. Some of these changes need to be made individually, namely in the way of looking at future problems (mental model) and the ability to continue to improve one’s quality (personal mastery). Apart from that, it is also necessary to make changes as a group, through team learning in creating a shared vision. This individual and group approach is always within the framework of systems thinking. To realize strategic leadership and systems thinking skills as a necessity in improving the performance of the health service system, a learning organization is needed. Therefore, the steps to create an organization that continues to learn will also be an important discussion in this lecture. This course also discusses the implementation of Islamic strategic leadership and systems thinking, learning organizations in the health sector
Health Financing and BudgetingThe health financing course is expected to provide students with an understanding of how health financing is explored, allocated and spent so that it can support the implementation of health development that can improve the level of public health as high as possible. This section will discuss various health financing topics such as the meaning of health financing and its scope, health financing models and health service financing reform in Indonesia.
Environmental Quality AnalysisThis course studies the meaning, objectives and benefits of environmental quality analysis, several terms contained in environmental health regulations, such as threshold values (NAB), Environmental Quality Standards, parameters, indicators, indices and others. Also studies the kinetics of agents/pollutants in air, water, vectors, food, waste and soil. Study pollutant parameters and their units, how to determine pollutant sampling points, how to collect them, how to measure and interpret measurement results, understand articles related to environmental quality, and analyze data from data in the field ( Puskesmas ) or from national/international articles.
EnglishThis course focuses on two English language skills: writing and speaking in an academic context. The general instructional objective of this course is that students are expected to be able to express ideas by having the skills to write complete paragraphs and presentation skills in accordance with the paragraphs that have been written using acceptable and coherent English with correct and contextual linguistic elements.   specifically for writing skills, students are expected to be able to understand the principle of complete sentences. Students are also expected to be able to present ideas in writing in the form of a narrative review with an introduction, method, results and discussion, conclusion and recommendation structure that is combined into a complete article.
Basic K3This course discusses the concept and scope of K3, legal aspects, hazards and their control, risk management, PPE, Work Accidents and PAK, SMK3 as well as K3 programs in the workplace such as industrial hygiene, occupational health, occupational health surveillance, fire prevention and Emergency Response Systems, ergonomics and K3 promotion. Apart from discussing theory, in this course students also study the use of PPE through various media
Arabic  This course is designed to develop students’ ability to carry out simple conversations, read Arabic texts with harakat, and write simple sentences in Arabic with the themes of creed, worship, and morals.
Field Learning Experience 1The Field Learning Experience course is one of the courses that aims to provide experience to students in conducting analysis and assessment of public health situations.
Health Information SystemThis course studies the meaning and characteristics of information systems, understanding health data and information, understanding GIS, indicators, data sources, data management with reference to the Health Metric Network (HMN), National Health Information System, Community Health Center and Hospital Information System, SI medical records, IS success assessment model, Evaluate SIK using HMN tools.
Development of Health Promotion MediaThis course studies media in health promotion, health promotion media, classification and characteristics of health promotion media and stages of development of health promotion media.
Health Promotion Media Development PracticumThis course studies the technical aspects of making health promotion media posters and video reels as well as practices related to the stages of developing health promotion media  
Applied ErgonomicsThis course discusses the history of ergonomic development. Human capabilities and limitations (human capabilities and limitations), human-machine system approach. Anthropometric measurements, work biomechanics concepts in manual material handling activities, work design, ergonomic concepts in the work environment, as well as carrying out ergonomic risk measurements using subjective and objective tools, as well as discussing how to implement ergonomic programs in several industries.
Human Factors and Behavior Based SafetyThis course discusses proactive prevention efforts that focus on dangerous behavior that has the potential to cause accidents. The discussion includes the causes of accidents, safety psychology, basic philosophy in behavior-based safety (BBS), definition and assessment of critical behavior, intervention methods and evaluation of BBS.
Industrial HygieneThis course discusses the Basic Concepts of HI which includes activities for anticipating, recognizing, evaluating and controlling various occupational health hazards that exist in the workplace. Occupational health hazards discussed in this course include noise, extreme hot and cold temperatures, vibration, ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, chemistry, biology, ergonomics and psychosocial hazards.
Industrial ProcessThis course will explain the sources and hazards of various industrial processes that arise from raw materials, tools, processes, products, by-products (by-products) and waste.
Noise and Vibration ManagementThis course discusses the concepts of noise and vibration, physiological responses to exposure to noise and vibration, strategies for controlling noise and vibration hazards, evaluating the dose of noise and vibration exposure received by workers and recommendations for controlling noise and vibration hazards according to the exposure received by workers.
Occupational Safety and Health Management SystemThis course discusses the meaning, function, scope of the occupational safety and health management system and its implementation in companies. Also discussed are the elements of SMK3 and the relationship between the elements and the program for each element as well as how to measure them.
Occupational Safety and Health LegislationThis course discusses various statutory regulations and implementing regulations in the field of K3 as a provision for students in carrying out their duties as K3 experts/work environment K3 experts to ensure that legal aspects are fulfilled in the workplace. Various legal materials that will be discussed in this course include (1) legal aspects of implementing K3 in Indonesia, (2) implementing K3 in Indonesia, (3) threshold values, standards and requirements for work environment health, (4) health standards work which includes (a) preventing disease, (b) improving health, (c) treating disease and (d) restoring health; (5) employment social security, (6) procedures for reporting and examining work accidents/PAK, (7) implementation of K3 in various fields/electricity, such as K3 electricity, K3 Chemistry, K3 Radiation, K3 Construction, K3 Oil and Gas and Mining and K3 in Health services.
Industrial ToxicologyThis course discusses the principles of toxicology, methods of measuring toxicity, target organs, the use of toxicological information for assessing safety levels, dose response relationships and the effects of chemical exposure on workers.
Field Learning Experience 2Field Learning Experience 2 course is one of the courses that aims to provide experience to students in intervening to solve public health problems based on evidence-based.
Islamic Public Health PracticeThis course discusses the theoretical framework and conceptual framework for research on the integration of Public Health Sciences in general and/or within the scope of the Public Health Sciences specialization with Islamic Sciences based on the ontology and epistemology of science.
Disaster ManagementIn this course, students understand disaster theory, disaster risk assessment, reduction, disaster vulnerability, disaster stages starting from pre-disaster, disaster and post-disaster, assessment of temporary shelter locations, fulfillment of basic needs (WASH, health care, health services and information systems). Apart from that, students also understand surveillance and rapid assessment in disaster situations, leadership and cross-sectoral collaboration, the role of Health officers and Interprofessional collaboration, and community resilience.
Disaster Management PracticeThis course learns how to identify disaster vulnerabilities and dangers, create disaster mapping, disaster risk in each area, develop activity plans to form community readiness to face disasters, make recommendations for disaster mitigation, disaster response emergency organization plans, disaster evacuation shelter management plans, plans health surveillance, plans for controlling infectious diseases, plans for creating a disaster management information system, plans for preparing logistics and basic needs of refugees, disaster health services.
Biomonitoring PracticeThis course discusses biological monitoring programs due to exposure received in the workplace, including the concept of biomonitoring, blood and urine sampling strategies, introduction to potential exposure to chemical hazards, introduction to processes that require biological monitoring (BEI), BEI standards for various chemicals , control chemical exposure and design biological monitoring programs
Fire Prevention and Emergency Response SystemsThis course discusses the concepts and theories of fire occurrence as well as extinguishing theory, the concept of fire prevention and protection, elements of fire prevention including active protection systems, passive protection systems and life-saving means. Apart from that, emergency response preparedness systems are also discussed that are appropriate to specific location conditions.
K3 Inspection and AuditThis course discusses the differences between the K3 Inspection program and the K3 Audit program, how it is implemented starting from the preparation, planning, implementation stages, to compiling results reports and following up on findings to make appropriate improvements. The teaching methods used are: lectures, discussions (small group discussions), presentations, assignments based on several case studies in the workplace, and at the end of the lecture students will carry out implementation (problem based learning) K3 inspections and audits in surrounding workplaces, making reports , and submitting a report to the workplace. As a form of community service which is proven by a handover sheet signed by the business owner.
Occupational Health and Safety Laboratory PracticumThis course discusses strategies for measuring various occupational health hazards in the workplace, interpreting measurement results in order to carry out Health Risk Assessments in the workplace so that they can prioritize hazards and control them to safe levels.
Occupational Health and Safety LaboratoryThis course discusses sampling concepts and measurement strategies for various occupational health hazards in the workplace, including noise, vibration, extreme temperatures, lighting, particulates in order to carry out a Health Risk Assessment in the workplace so that hazards can be prioritized and controlled to a safe level.
K3 Risk ManagementThis course discusses the risk management process starting from hazard identification, determining the probability and consequences of K3 risks in order to assess risks using appropriate risk identification techniques, determining appropriate control alternatives for certain risks according to the existing control hierarchy. So it is hoped that students will be able to apply risk identification using various methods, assess risks using qualitative and quantitative approaches in the workplace, be able to evaluate risk controls in the workplace and be able to develop K3 programs in the workplace.
Work-related Diseases and Work-related Disease SurveillanceThis lecture discusses the determinants, prevention and rehabilitation factors related to work-related diseases based on Presidential Decree No. 22 of 1993 such as respiratory diseases, skin, hearing damage, viruses, back and joint symptoms, pesticides, vibrations, pesticides, neuropsychiatric, and introduction to PAK surveillance. The lecture focuses on 3 parts: 1) looking for scientific evidence related to occupational diseases; 2) policies related to occupational health and safety and compensation for work, 3) developing effective intervention programs to reduce occupational diseases and improve work-related health.
Work Accident Investigation and Prevention (K3)This course discusses the definition and classification of work accidents, work accident prevention strategies and programs, various work accident theories, work accident investigation techniques in finding the root of the problem, work accident investigation procedures, recommendations for corrective action, development of K3 performance, costs due to work accidents and preparing work accident reports.
Professional Development SeminarThis course studies how to choose topics to be researched to be further conveyed in seminar forums and discussed by competent speakers in their fields. The results of the discussion from the speakers on the results of this research will then be written in the form of articles and submitted to interested parties related to the topic seminar.
Advanced Research Methods PracticumThis course is a continuation of the research methodology course. In this course, scientific research concepts and elements in the research proposal will be applied. The achievement indicator of this course is that students are able to compile research proposals that are ready to be tested and used as a final project. The methods used are lectures, discussions, presentations and assignments based on literature studies.
InternshipThe Internship course is a mandatory course for the Public Health undergraduate study program. Internship is an intra-curricular activity that requires students to observe and practice work in agencies, institutions, or companies for a certain period equivalent to 3 field credits. This course aims to provide opportunities for students to gain practical knowledge and experience as well as apply the knowledge and skills gained during college so that they can better prepare themselves for work. After the internship, students are required to make an internship report in accordance with the internship report guidelines.
Indoor Air Quality Management and Industrial VentilationThis course studies two things, namely (1) room air quality management and (2) industrial ventilation. In discussing the topic of indoor air quality management, the meaning of (a) anticipating and reconciling IAQ is discussed, containing the definition of IAQ, IAQ parameters, sources of indoor air quality pollutants, health effects due to indoor air quality, including sick buildings syndrome, building related illness, and multiple chemical resistance, (b) IAQ evaluation, namely discussing how to measure IAQ parameters and evaluating them by comparing IAQ regulations that apply both at national and international levels, (c) getting to know various types of IAQ controls based on findings in the field . To be able to address IAQ problems in the field, students must recognize and evaluate IAQ in a location and provide applicable recommendations for problem findings in the field. On the topic of industrial ventilation, students will learn an introduction to ventilation in general, types of ventilation, the advantages and disadvantages of each type of ventilation, dilution ventilation, local exhaust ventilation and the selection of appropriate respiratory protective equipment when conditions of exposure to chemical hazards in the workplace cannot be avoided. controlled by technical controls. In discussing dilution ventilation, students will study whether a location is considered safe or not, so that they can calculate the air requirements needed so that environmental conditions are comfortable for workers’ health.
Occupational Health and Safety ProgramThis course studies various programs in the workplace both related to occupational safety and occupational health, so that students are able to understand the scope of application of various K3 programs in the workplace, so that students gain an understanding of the aims and benefits of the program , when and where the program was implemented and how the program was implemented. Work safety programs discussed in this course include Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS), Machine Safeguard, Lock Out Tag Out (LOTO), Safety Sign, working at Height and Permit to Work (PTW). Meanwhile, occupational health programs discussed include Hazard Communication & Chemical Compatibility, Bloodborne Phatogen , Medical Service & Fit to Work, Worker Immunization, Reproductive Health, Occupational Nutrition and Mental Health
Undergraduate thesisA thesis is a scientific work written by a student at the end of their study period at the Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta under the guidance of a predetermined supervisor. The thesis is part of an assignment to achieve a Bachelor of Public Health (SKM) degree. The thesis must be prepared according to procedures and based on research data. It is hoped that writing scientific work can demonstrate students’ reasoning abilities regularly and continuously in identifying important health problems in society