Nutrition and Kitchen Laboratory
This laboratory is used to carry out interventions learned in nutrition courses, especially in processing food ingredients according to the nutritional needs of the community.

Audio and Podcast Laboratory
This laboratory is used to learn the technicalities of making health promotion media, such as posters, video reels, and podcasts, as well as practicums related to the stages of health promotion media development.

Epidemiology Laboratory
• This laboratory is used to identify, monitor, and track the spread of disease in a population, both communicable and non-communicable diseases.
• Testing biological samples such as blood, urine or other body fluids to detect disease-causing agents such as viruses, bacteria or parasites.
Occupational Health and Safety Laboratory
This laboratory is used for activities to anticipate, recognise, evaluate and control various occupational health hazards in the workplace. Occupational health hazards covered include noise, extreme temperatures (hot and cold), vibration, radiation (ionising and non-ionising), chemical, biological, ergonomic, and psychosocial hazards.

Environment Health Laboratory
• This laboratory is used for environmental quality measurement, which includes sampling from environmental media (water, air, soil, and food), sample preparation, and measurement according to procedures based on the parameters to be measured, and interpreting the measurement results.
• This laboratory is used to test for the presence of hazardous materials in the surrounding environment that may harm human health, such as pesticides, heavy metals, and pathogenic microorganisms.
HIS Laboratory
This laboratory is used for activities to anticipate, recognise, evaluate and control various occupational health hazards in the workplace. Occupational health hazards covered include noise, extreme temperatures (hot and cold), vibration, radiation (ionising and non-ionising), chemical, biological, ergonomic, and psychosocial hazards.